BMW R 100 S Engine and Transmission Technical Data
Engine type - Number of cylinders |
Two cylinder boxer, four-stroke |
Engine details |
- |
Fuel system |
- |
Engine size - Displacement - Engine capacity |
979.00 ccm (59.74 cubic inches) |
Bore x Stroke |
94.0 x 70.6 mm (3.7 x 2.8 inches) |
Compression Ratio |
9.5:1 |
Number of valves per cylinder |
2 |
Camshaft Valvetrain Configuration |
Maximum power - Output - Horsepower |
65.00 HP (47.4 kW) @ 6600 RPM |
Maximum torque |
- |
Engine Maximum RPM |
- |
Cooling system |
Air |
Lubrication system |
- |
Engine oil capacity |
- |
Exhaust system |
- |
Gearbox |
5-speed |
Transmission type, final drive ratio |
Shaft drive (cardan) |
Clutch type |
- |
Driveline |
- |